Original Bit.Trip Games Confirmed For Switch Via Surprise eShop Listing

Expected to launch next month.

From time to time “coming soon” listings on the Switch eShop reveal games we didn’t even know were on the way to Nintendo’s hybrid platform, and today is one of those days.

Over on the European eShop, six QubicGames listings have popped up for the Bit.Trip series starring CommanderVideo. There’s Bit.Trip Core, Bit.Trip Void, Bit.Trip Runner, Bit.Trip Fate, Bit.Trip Flux and Bit.Trip Beat.

Read the full article on nintendolife.com

Expected to launch next month.

From time to time “coming soon” listings on the Switch eShop reveal games we didn’t even know were on the way to Nintendo’s hybrid platform, and today is one of those days.

Over on the European eShop, six QubicGames listings have popped up for the Bit.Trip series starring CommanderVideo. There’s Bit.Trip Core, Bit.Trip Void, Bit.Trip Runner, Bit.Trip Fate, Bit.Trip Flux and Bit.Trip Beat.

Read the full article on nintendolife.com

* This article was originally published here
