Anagrams of Peoples’ Names

Your challenge is to anagram the descriptions below to form the two-word names of famous people. Each description provides some clue into the person’s identity.
1. I am a weakish speller
2. Immense song
3. He bugs Gore
4. Nerd amid late TV
5. Old west action
6. He’ll mesh crooks
Scroll down for a clue and further down for the answer.
Clue: Each person’s initials are provided below:
1. WS
2. GS
3. GB
4. DL
5. CE
6. SH
Scroll down for the answer.
1. William Shakespeare (I am a weakish speller)
2. Gene Simmons (Immense song)
3. George Bush (He bugs Gore)
4. David Letterman (Nerd amid late TV)
5. Clint Eastwood (Old west action)
6. Sherlock Holmes (He’ll mesh crooks)
* This article was originally published here