Guardians of the Forgotten Shore


Beneath the storm’s electric glow,  

Where chests are buried deep below,  

Three boats dock near the battle’s edge,  

Guardians sworn to keep their pledge.

The island stands in mystery,  

With builds and traps from history.  

Its cliffs rise high, the loot is rare—  

A final circle in the air.

They glide in silence, gliders wide,  

The storm creeps close, but they don’t hide.  

Their squad, united, knows the score:  

Defend this land, claim one win more.

The tower built on distant ground,  

A sniper scopes without a sound.  

The map is theirs, the storm is tight—  

Guardians prepared to fight.

In every round, they stand their guard,  

To keep this island battle-scarred.  

Legends rise with every game,  

The guardians forge victory’s flame.

Heroes of the Island
