Bright Memory: Infinite Trailer Showcases Boss Fight Against A Teleporting Samurai

bright memory infinite

Bright Memory: Infinite has looked like an exciting prospect for a while, but when it was announced for the Xbox Series X earlier this year, the shooter truly caught the attention of the masses. It has looked slick and fast-paced in all that we’ve seen of it so far, and recently, we got another look at the game.

A brief new gameplay trailer was released at the Future Games Show, and those interested in the game will definitely want to check it out. It shows more of the frantic action of the game, of course, while also placing plenty of emphasis on its acrobatic traversal, from wall-running to power slides and more There’s also plenty of melee combat shown off, and most notably, a glimpse at a boss fight against an overpowered teleporting samurai who comes at you with his katana. It looks quite impressive, to say the least. Take a look below, courtesy of GamesRadar.

Bright Memory: Infinite is planned to release on Xbox Series X, Xbox One, and PC, but doesn’t yet have a release date.

* This article was originally published here


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