Don’t Worry, Immortals Fenyx Rising Will Make It To Switch In Time For Christmas

And you can pre-order it now.

Immortals Fenyx Rising has captured the attention of many players due to the fact that it looks a lot like Zelda: Breath of the Wild – which, lest we forget, isn’t a bad thing at all, given that Breath of the Wild 2 isn’t going to be with us for a while yet.

When the game was previewed not so long ago, the fact that the Switch build wasn’t on offer did make us wonder if the Nintendo edition might slip a little in terms of release date, but it has been confirmed today that isn’t the case.

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And you can pre-order it now.

Immortals Fenyx Rising has captured the attention of many players due to the fact that it looks a lot like Zelda: Breath of the Wild – which, lest we forget, isn’t a bad thing at all, given that Breath of the Wild 2 isn’t going to be with us for a while yet.

When the game was previewed not so long ago, the fact that the Switch build wasn’t on offer did make us wonder if the Nintendo edition might slip a little in terms of release date, but it has been confirmed today that isn’t the case.

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* This article was originally published here


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