15 Best Parkour Games That You Need To Play

Platforming games have been around since forever and enamored players of all ages, whether it’s focusing on precision jumping or entertaining exploration. Parkour titles are a sub-genre in that respect, encompassing both aspects while presenting a unique experience. What are some of the more noteworthy parkour games? Let’s take a look at some of them here.

Dying Light

Dying Light’s gameplay is interesting because it mixes so many different elements – zombie-like Infected, first person parkour, crafting and loot grinding – into one game. Somehow, it works, as seen when free running and vaulting desperately to escape the more dangerous Volatiles. Even when exploring during the day, it’s fun to simply dodge and weave through Infected when you’re not drop-kicking them off rooftops.

* This article was originally published here
