Monster Hunter Rise Boss Guide – How to Beat Great Baggi, Kulu-Ya-Ku and Great Izuchi

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Every Monster Hunter journey begins by slaying the most basic monsters and slowly working your way up. In the case of Monster Hunter Rise, your first monsters will be Great Izuchi, Great Baggi and Kulu-Ya-Ku. So let’s down to dismantling them one by one, starting with Great Izuchi.

Great Izuchi is weak to Thunder and Water with its head and tail tip being the key breakable parts (which are vulnerable to cutting, impact and shot damage). Ailments like Poison, Paralysis, Sleep and Exhaust are also useful. Great Izuchi fights alongside two regular Izuchi which will either attack together with it or separately.

All three are capable of spitting out rocks at the player with Great Izuchi having greater projectile distance. There’s also a spinning attack to beware of, though they can often utilize normal tail-whips as well. You also have to watch out for the regular lunge – Great Izuchi will step back a bit before it executes one so be careful.

A good time to pile on the damage is when its tail is slightly stuck in the ground. Otherwise, try and isolate the smaller Izuchi first. Stay mobile and avoid being sandwiched in between all three. Since this is the first hunt, Great Izuchi won’t really chunk you for a lot of health so it’s also a good way to just learn the ropes.

How to Beat Great Baggi

Great Baggi is another Bird Wyvern but is weakest to Fire. Its also susceptible to ailments like Blast, Exhaust and Paralysis while being completely immune to Sleep (you’ll find out why shortly). The head is its main breakable part with cutting damage being the most effective, followed by impact and then shot damage.

Great Baggi will roar to summon its smaller minions which will immediately rush to the player so stay mobile and take them down quickly. While Great Baggi can often employ regular Baggi to help it, their attacks are nowhere near as coordinated as Great Izuchi and his posse. Great Baggi prefers to hang back and shoot watery projectiles which can inflict Sleep. The smaller Baggi can also inflict Sleep with their attacks so keep some Energy Drinks handy to stay awake.

How to Beat Kulu-Ya-Ku

What would a Monster Hunter title be without the bird-brained Kulu-Ya-Ku? Its main elemental weakness is Water while all ailments have the same level of effectiveness against it. Concentrate on attacking its head above all.

If you’ve played Monster Hunter World, then Kulu-Ya-Ku is more or less identical in terms of tactics. It will utilize leaping attacks (which have slight AoE so be careful) but may also slightly lunge at the player with its beak. You may also find it rushing across while swiping its claws. Kulu-Ya-Ku’s main calling card is picking up a small rock and using this to bludgeon the player with.

It’s often advised to attack its head from the side when it’s holding the rock since attacks will normally bounce off of the latter. However, you can also hit the rock directly and break it. A well-timed strike to the head will also cause Kulu-Ya-Ku to drop the rock so keep that in mind.

* This article was originally published here


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