Gearshifters, “Arcade Action Shoot ’em Up Roguelite,” Announced, Releasing This Year


Developer Red Phantom Games and publisher Numskull Games announced Gearshifters today. The game, described as an “arcade action shoot ’em up roguelite” (try saying that three times fast) coming to PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC via Steam. Gearshifters is set to launch sometime this year.

While we don’t have much gameplay to go on yet, Gearshifters reminds me of the top-down shoot ’em ups of old. It looks fast, features big bosses, lots of enemies, and a good amount of bullets. The roguelite nature of the game is interesting. Since upgrades appear to be randomly generated, as do levels, Gearshifters might offer something like FTL: Faster Than Light or Hades, where you end up with a substantially different build and path each time. Combining that with the top-down action of a shoot ’em up sounds like a winner, but we’ll have to see when the game launches later this year.

You can watch the announcement trailer below, courtesy of Numskull Games.

* This article was originally published here


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