Halo Infinite PC Graphics Options Revealed, FOV Settings Confirmed for Consoles

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It’s a good new for those looking forward to Halo Infinite as 343 Industries discussed its anti-cheat philosophy for multiplayer while releasing new campaign screenshots. Details on the shooter’s PC graphics options were also revealed along with the confirmation of field of view (FOV) settings for console. As showcased in the screenshot below, players can customize the FOV from 78 (the default) to 120 if they so desire.

Dynamic resolution scaling is also available with the option to set a minimum and maximum frame rate (though you can leave the latter uncapped as well). Along with display settings, resolution scale and quality presets, there are also options for adjusting the quality of anti-aliasing, texture filtering, geometry quality, shadow quality, dynamic lighting and so on. Control settings, with an option for triple-binding different keys, is also showcased.

Though it didn’t go too much into accessibility options, full-screen effects can be adjusted for those prone to motion sickness or photo-sensitivity, which is nice. Halo Infinite is currently planned to release in Fall 2021 on Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One and PC. Stay tuned for more details in the coming months especially at E3 2021 which Microsoft will be attending.

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* This article was originally published here


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