Tales of Arise Trailer Showcases the Deserts and Snowy Mountains of Dahna

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Like it did for Scarlet Nexus, Bandai Namco has released a trailer highlighting the environments of Tales of Arise. The focus is on Dahna, whom protagonist Alphen is a native of, and its various ecosystems. Check it out below.

Calaglia is the sweltering desert environment which has a host of machines for refining oil. Cislordia, on the other hand, is a snow-covered landscape with artificial light. Compared to Tales of Berseria, the last mainline title in the series, the environments are way larger and more detailed. Despite this, Tales of Arise isn’t an open world game and takes a more linear approach for the sake of story and character development.

Releasing on September 10th for Xbox Series X/S, PS5, Xbox One, PS4 and PC, Tales of Arise follows Alphen and Shionne, the latter being a resident of Rena which is subjugating Dahna and its people. The duo seem to be on a revolutionary journey of sorts despite being at odds with each other. Stay tuned for more details in the coming months.

* This article was originally published here


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