AIPT Comics Podcast Episode 195: Captain’s Log: Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly talk launching IDW’s ‘Star Trek’

This week on the AIPT Comics podcast, Dave and Nathan recap the week, and joining the show are writers Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly. They launched a new Star Trek #1 this week, and join the show to discuss how the project got started, what to expect, and teases for the future too. Plus, wait till the end for some Captain America questions answered!
You can stream the AIPT Comics podcast below or find it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, or wherever you get your podcasts.
AIPT Comics Podcast Top Picks of the Week
- The Riddler: Year One (2022) #1 (Paul Dano, Stevan Subic)
- Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #12 (Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.)
- Rogues’ Gallery #4 (Hannah Rose May, Justin Mason, Declan Shalvey)
- Star Trek #1 (Jackson Lanzing, Colin Kelly, Ramon Rosanas)
Standout KAPOW moment of the week:
Nathan – Catwoman: Lonely City #4 (Cliff Chiang)
Dave – Catwoman Lonely City #4 (Cliff Chiang)
In our Judging by the Cover segment, Dave discusses his love for Takashi Okazaki’s Black Panther #11 cover, and Nathan enjoyed Stan Sakai’s Predator #4 cover. Check those out below.

* This article was originally published here