Lucky Animal Crossing: New Horizons Fan Opens Amiibo Card Pack Full of Dreamies

Lucky Animal Crossing: New Horizons Fan Opens Amiibo Card
Pack Full of Dreamies

One extremely lucky Animal Crossing: New Horizons fan has pulled a slew of coveted villagers in a single Amiibo Series 5 card pack. Animal Crossing Amiibo cards have been popular since they debuted for Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer back in 2015. There are currently five series of various villagers to collect in the blind card packs available for sale. Series 1-4 will work on the Nintendo 3DS and 3DS XL and the Wii U. For eager gamers still enjoying Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Series 5 is exclusive to the popular Nintendo Switch title, which has a total of 50 villagers to collect.

* This article was originally published here


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