Slitterhead Spans “Multiple Genres Where Horror is Expressed” – Creative Director

Following Silent Hill creator Keiichiro Toyama’s departure from Sony Japan Studio and the founding of Bokeh Game Studio in 2020, the team has been working on Slitterhead. Showcased at The Game Awards 2021, it featured all kinds of horrors that leaned more towards body horror than the supernatural. A new Q&A video has since been released where Toyama (who serves as creative director) along with game director Junya Okura and producer Kazunobu Sato talk more about the title.

Perhaps the most interesting part of this discussion is Toyama’s statement that the game “doesn’t fully enter the horror genre” but instead “spans over multiple genres where horror is expressed. From there, I wanted to widen the player base who could access the game, including players who don’t usually play horror games. I wanted a game that could be enjoyed for its action, yet whose concept doesn’t solely revolve around killing enemies. It conflicts the mind, making the players reluctant to enter certain fights. I want to achieve both action and drama with this game.”

As such, there was plenty of action to glean from the reveal trailer even if the actual gameplay has yet to be showcased. Okura said that the team wants to “focus on entertainment rather than plain horror.” But while you may not quit the game out of fear, there’s still a “terror aspect” to it. “There are some slow and fast moments as well. I’d like to include some horror elements in the slower parts, balancing with the frenzy action moments.”

Toyama also addressed the possibility of releasing DLC and expansions, stating that, “We first need to achieve a strong main game.” Sato further added that, “Back in the day these decisions needed approval from Sony. In our current state, if it’s fun we can just go ahead and make it, so if the demand is big enough, it’s easier for us to answer.”

Slitterhead is currently in early development so it’s unlikely to release this year. Platforms have also yet to be announced so stay tuned for more details in the coming months.

* This article was originally published here
