Five Thoughts on Archer’s “Sea Tunt: Part I”

Hi folks! Welcome back to our weekly recap of Archer’s fourth season, on the Multiversity Summer TV Binge 2022. This week’s episode is named “Sea Tunt: Part I” and is the first part of the season finale on the sea! So, let’s dive right in!
1. There’s a bomb
Someone accidentally dropped a hydrogen bomb in the middle of the sea and Malory thinks that this is the perfect opportunity to make herself rich the agency look good at the eyes of the U.S. government, but they have to arrive there before the Russians do.
As the episode progresses, we see Malory making numbers up about how much reward she should get for saving the world, Lana rebukes her and makes a correction, Malory’s not looking for a reward, she wants a ransom for the bomb, which basically makes her a terrorist.
She’s also a very bad boss because it didn’t even cross her mind that she should pay a bonus to her employees (including her own son) for risking their lives…
2. Cheryl’s brother
They don’t really have a plan to get to the bomb before the russkies, fortunately, Carol’s brother unsuspiciously appears and offers to use his millionaire resources to save the world, and therefore they spend the whole episode in a chopper traveling to the middle of the ocean.
Cecil has half a billion to himself and uses it to entirely do philanthropist works like Doctors Within Borders and a bunch of child-focused organizations, but now, it might be time to focus on her sister Cheryl, he shows concern of her mental health, asking everyone about her actions, and everyone openly talks about everything that they have experienced with her…
3. Just one more
Meanwhile, the team awaits for the arrival, we see Cyril and Gillette prepping, the latter paint the former’s face with camouflage paint, even tough they won’t be anywhere near any tree to hide. Archer invents a drink that is apparently pretty decent?
Oh, and Pam eats a bunch of vegan seafood, you know, seafood is famous for the high number of people allergic to it, but the irony is that this is soy-based, and Pam is allergic precisely to soy… so she start’s to have a pretty nasty reaction but she doesn’t stop until she has an anaphylactic shock, and even then, we see her still eating a crab leg at the end of the episode.
4. The hijack
Carol sees her brother talking to each of her friends and she starts to act very weirdly, we even see her in a control room while Archer and Cecil talk, then, she enters the cockpit and attacks Cecil’s girlfriend, revealing the intentions of her brother.
Turns out that he wants to put her on a conservatorship so he could administrate her money, a story very similar to what happened to Britney Spears, although the episode was broadcasted first in 2013. The point is, the whole thing was a hoax for Cecil to still be rich.
This is a very fun critique of billionaires, this one, Cecil, is obsessed with his image although he hasn’t produced any money, he even wants to still his own sister’s money so he can get even richer and keep glorifying himself, rich people stealing money trough “legal” means, in this case a conservatorship, in real life, stealing wages.
5. The setup for part two
At the end, there’s no bomb, but that doesn’t mean that everything is all right, they arrive to Cecil’s undersea laboratory, where there’s a crazy scientist who, tired of governments doing nothing, he has a list of demands, and if they are not met, he will launch torpedoes with a nervous gas, thankfully the team is here to save the world, but we’ll have to wait for it…
Joke of the Week:
(After some ominous music plays)
Cheryl,to herself: Just ignore it, it’s non-diegetic…
And that’s it for this one, I could say that this was the most sitcomey episode of the season, not much happened, just the full team in a helicopter messing around, as a setup that will pay off until the next. What did you think of this episode? Leave your comments below and join us next week for our take on the season finale, directly connected to this one, “Sea Tunt: Part II.”
* This article was originally published here