New Silent Hill Game Seemingly Revealed in Leak

A new game in Konami's Silent Hill franchise seems to have been revealed in a leak via a ratings website. In recent months, rumors and reports have continued to circle in great numbers suggesting that Konami is planning a major return to Silent Hill in the future. And while the longtime Japanese publisher has yet to properly announce any new Silent Hill installments, this leak in question may have spilled the beans a bit early.
Spotted on a South Korean video game ratings site, a new listing for an all-new entry in the Silent Hill series was discovered. This game in question is said to be titled "Silent Hill: The Short Message" and is set to be published by UNIANA, which is a company that often publishes titles from Konami within Korea. Further details associated with the project such as its launch date, platforms, and developer were not detailed, so it's hard to know what to make of this game for the time being.
As mentioned, rumors and reports have been circling in great numbers over the past year or more in relation to Silent Hill. Some of these reports have claimed that Konami is in the process of collaborating on numerous different Silent Hill projects at this point in time. While one of these games could potentially be Silent Hill: The Short Message, other leaks have suggested that a full-blown remake of Silent Hill 2 could also be in development as well.
Given how many rumors we have seen in the past with Silent Hill, it's important to take this latest leak with a grain of salt. Even though leaks of this nature from ratings websites tend to have more legitimacy than normal, until Konami itself announces that Silent Hill: The Short Message is real, it's better to just hope for the best and expect the worst.
What do you think about this new leak associated with the Silent Hill series? Do you believe that Konami will be making a new reveal associated with the franchise in the coming weeks or months? Be sure to let me know either down in the comments or reach out to me on Twitter at @MooreMan12.
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* This article was originally published here